About Festival

Our festival is middle size festival dedicated to sacred choral music.

Festival is open to all amateur choirs which will present their repertoire of Christian choir music including at least 2 songs dedicated to St. Mary.  Competition and concerts will take place in Czestochowa and Kozieglowy region.

Gala concert for all choirs will take place in one of the most prestigious places in Poland – Jasna Gora Monastery.

The international Jury panel will award Golden, Silver and Bronze Torches and total money prizes of 2000 Euros.

We hope that our festival will be great occasion to listen many magnificent choral performances and exchange of experiences with other choirs.


Please read the rules in the next section.

Our Partners

RULES 17-19.10.2025

Please read the rules 2025:

Download application form 2025:


All  application for 2024 edition should be sent till 15.06.2025

Please send applications to:


or by registered mail:
Ogrodowa 27A
05-509 Jozefoslaw, POLAND


Auditions will be evaluated by an international jury composed of:

Thea PaluojaEstonia

Her first experience as a vocal teacher dates back to 1981. From 1985 to 1988, she had a successful career as a most popular Estonian pop singer. She has received training in the Estonian Music Academy with professor Ants Üleoja. Thea Paluoja started vocal work with young soloists and ensembles at Rapla in 1990. In 1992, it was collectively named Rapla Singing Studio. Today in the studio she works with 4 choirs, 4 vocal ensembles and over 20 soloists. Choirs, ensembles as well as soloists led by Thea Paluoja have been successful in competitions both in Estonia and abroad. In Estonian vocal competitions, Thea Paluoja has repeatedly received the title of the best singing instructor and arranger. The Estonian Choral Association gave Thea Paluoja the Conductor (Music Teacher) of the Year title in 2006. She has also received the annual awards of famous Estonian composers Riho Päts and Gustav Ernesaks and has been the grantee of the Annual Prize of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia. In 2009 she received the Culture Pearl of the Year title.

Rihards DubraLatvia

Rihards Dubra was born in 1964 in Riga. He studied music first in Jūrmala, after that at the Emīls Dārziņš College of Music, where his instructors in composition were Jāzeps Lipšāns and Ģederts Ramans. In 1989, he graduated from the Latvian State Conservatory composition class under Ādolfs Skulte (as an elective he learned symphonic conducting under Aleksandrs Viļumanis), and in 1996 earned his master’s degree at the Latvian Academy of Music under Juris Karlsons.

During his studies, he began to teach harmony and composition at the Jūrmala School of Music, where he still works today. His other sphere of work is involved with the organ and liturgy. Rihards Dubra was the organist at the Riga Our Lady of Suffering Church, and, as of 1999, he is the cantor of the Riga St. Mary Magdalene Church.

The most recent works of Rihards Dubra are closely involved with sacred music. All of his works have a spiritual content at their foundation, whether they are vocal or instrumental. The composer has written minimalist, Gregorian, and Renaissance-style music, thinking not just of intonation, exposition, and similar spheres, but firstly the philosophical side. At the same time, the fusion of the means is romantic. His choir works and vocal instrumental compositions are heard at international festivals and concerts. The English public that have heard the composer’s spiritual choir songs in Latvian, have declared them to be Latvian motets.

Dubra received the Latvian Great Music Award in 2003 for his work Te Deum, performed at the XXIII Overall Latvian Song Festival sacred music concert.

Currently he works as a professor at Ventspils Music School

Julia Puchko-KolesnikUkraine

She studied at Kyiv Special Music Boarding School named after M.Lysenko in class of Vladimir Mysko. From 1991 till 1996 she studied choir conducting in class of professor, Honoured Artist of Ukraine O.Tymoshenko, graduated with highest distinction. Since 2000 Yulia Puchko-Kolesnik has worked as Ass. Prof. in Choral conducting at Piotr Tchaikovsky National Music Academy in Kyiv. In 2009 she defended a thesis for Candidate of Sciences. In 2014 Yulia became Merited Master of Arts of Ukraine. She is a regular jury member of many international choral competitions, leads workshops and masterclasses in Ukraine and Europe. Since 2009 Yulia Puchko-Kolesnik is art-director and conductor of Chamber girls’ choir of Kyiv Special Music Boarding School “M. Lysenko”. Under her leadership the choir was prizewinner of more than 20 international competitions and become one of the most successful choirs in the country.

Piotr JańczakPoland

He is conductor, composer, pianist. He graduated from Music Academy in Bydgoszcz, Faculty of Conducting and Music Education, where he attended to Professor Janusz Stanecki’s conducting class. Piotr Jańczak is the founder and the conductor of the “Canto” Interschool Choir, the Men’s Choir and the “Canto” Chamber Choir. All of them have been functioning in the Community Centre in Wyrzysk. These groups have won over 60 international and national choir contests. Many musical compositions of Piotr Jańczak are admired all over the world and they even have been played as compulsory during many prestigious international choir contests. These contests took place in: Venice, Rome, Bonn, Riva del Garda, Neuchatel and Helsingborg.

In 2009 Piotr Jańczak took the doctor’s degree in musical art and artistic conducting. Currently, he is an academic worker at the Music Academy in Bydgoszcz. He also works for the Community Centre in Wyrzysk.

In 2016 he received degree of doctor habilitatus. Composer “Missa Film Stetinum” for symphony orchestra, male choir and solo TI, TII, Baritone, Bass. The premiere took place on 31 January 2016 at the Szczecin Philharmonic. Juror of international and national choral competitions.

Jarosław ŁyczbaPoland

Jarosław Łyczba is a graduate of the M. Żebrowski State Music High School in Częstochowa in the guitar class. He graduated in 1992 from Chopin University of Music in Warsaw at the department of choral conducting and music education in the class of prof. Bogdan Gola. The following year he became the conductor of the Pochodnia Male Choir, a position he held until 1998.  Together with Pochodnia he participated in 4 foreign concert tours and a number of national competitions. In 2009 he took over the management of the Dolces Pueris vocal quartet at the Pochodnia Singing Association. He created arrangements of songs and entertainment songs for it, with particular emphasis on Polish songs from the interwar period. Since 2016, he has once again led the male choir “Pochodnia”. During this period, he prepared the ensemble for a tour of Ukraine, Italy, Spain, France and Germany, as well as festivals in St. Petersburg  2017 and Pecs  2018. In both festivals, the ensemble received distinctions, and Jarosław Łyczba received individual awards for the conductor. In his thirty-year musical career, he has prepared several dozen songs for the choir.



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The best way to contact us is by e-mail:


You can also call  +48603361616

Two weeks before arrival you will also receive a phone number to the volunteer who will take care of your choir during your stay in Poland.

Please send all correspondence by e-mail info@poloniacantat.pl
or by registered air mail to:

ul. Ogrodowa 27A
05-509 Jozefoslaw, POLAND


All payments send to: (ACCOUNT IN EURO)

PL88 1090 1694 0000 0001 1554 3717 (SWIFT): WBKPPLPP
Bank: Santander Bank Polska S.A. al. Jana Pawła II 17, 00-854 Warszawa. POLAND
Holder of Account: MELODY, Ogrodowa 27A,05-509 Piaseczno, POLAND
please write in title “name of your choir”. All amounts we shall get net (you pay all transfer fees).